HOPE Christian Concepts, Inc.
HOPE Christian Concepts, Inc.
A Counseling & Life Needs Ministry

The GOOD NEWS is JESUS knows YOU and wants to be YOUR SAVIOR!!!
GOD, the father of Jesus, Creator of the human race and all the world, created us to have a relationship with HIM, because HE loves us and wants a people to love, nurture and care for and a people who will return HIS love and trust HIM to guide them through this life and eternity.
The first people, Adam and Eve *sinned and broke this relationship for the rest of time, into eternity. HE was a GOD who was pure, had never sinned, HE was a just GOD. HE could not look on or tolerate sin and had to punish it!
This was a dilemna for HIM. On the one hand, HE loved HIS people, created by HIS own hands and in HIS own image, but on the other hand he had to punish their sins and could not even look on them as sinners.
HE and HIS SON, JESUS, loved us so much that HE allowed JESUS to take on our sin and every person's sin for all time, until the end of earthly time.
JESUS came to earth and lived among as an ordinary person. HE died on a cross for us because HE loved us more than HE loved HIS own life! HE arose from the grave and went back to Heaven, giving us the opportunity to live with HIM in Heaven for eternity, when we die.
When JESUS died for us, to get us back to GOD, we could be in fellowship and relationship with GOD, again, and with JESUS!!! We could be "saved" from our sins and isolation from GOD!!!
JESUS alone is our saving faith. Having the faith to trust in HIM alone and HIS sacrifice for us puts us in a fulfilling awesome relationship with HIM and GOD.
"...Believe (trust) on the Lord Jesus Christ, and you will be saved..." Acts 16.31
Here's How to Claim the Eternal Life and awesome Relationship with GOD and JESUS That They Worked Out for ALL of US!!!
1. Believe that you are a sinner, cut off from GOD and JESUS and need a SAVIOR, JESUS.
2. Talk to JESUS and ask HIM to save you from your sins and wash you clean of them. Open the door to your heart and invite HIM in to give you peace, hope, faith, love and eternal life.
3. Tell HIM you are truly sorry for your sins and want to live a new life with HIM as your guide. Be willing to turn away from anything that is not pleasing to HIM. HE will help you do this as you grow in your relationship with HIM.
4. Thank HIM for saving you and giving you a new life. Ask HIM to show you HIS love and guide you everyday of your life!!!
If this is what you really want, then pray to HIM as shown above or here's a sample prayer:
"Jesus, I am a sinner, who is separated from you and God, by my sin. I know you can save me. You died and rose from the grave for me. I ask you now to wash my sins away. Please, be my guide for the rest of my life on earth and give me eternal life with you in Heaven. I trust you to love me and to give me peace, hope and your saving grace forever. Thank you for saving me!!! In Jesus Name, Amen.
You have joined the family of GOD with JESUS as Your Savior!!! All the Angels in Heaven sang when you prayed your prayer. They rejoice over you coming into the Family of God!!!
5. Find a local church and or christian person who can help you grow your relationship with GOD and JESUS by reading the Bible, their guidebook for life which THEY gave us. Someone who will answer your Questions, pray with you and walk with you on the most spectacular journey you will ever take. The journey of being a Child of God and Christian.
God's Word from the Bible:
"For God so loved the world that he gave his only son so that whoever believed on him would be saved. " John 3:16